Info_CountryID=US Info_LanguageID=en-US Info_LanguageName=English Info_Version=1.1 Info_Author=Fabio Martin Info_Charset=Western About_title=About 7 Sticky Notes About_Donate_Msg=I hope you are enjoying 7 Sticky Notes!! If you like this little software and would like to show your appreciation, then please consider making a small donation. 7 Sticky Notes is a rewarding result of much dedication and hard work and your generosity will be very much appreciated! About_DonateLink_lbl=Visit 7 Sticky Notes' donation page! About_DonateLink_ttp=Click to open 7 Sticky Notes' donation page About_SpecialThank_lbl=Special Thanks Message About_SpecialThankMsg=Special Thanks for Great People who Helped!\nLuca Gori and Redi Vedovato for the Italian Translation!\nRob for the suggestions and beta testings!\nTimD for the Beta Testings!\nChristopher Rotter for the Beta Testings!\nDaniel Mateja for the suggestions and testings!\n...and for everyone for the help and suggestions!! About_Rights=All Rights Reserved. About_SiteLink_ttp=Visit 7 Sticky Notes website!! ColorPicker_title=Advanced Color Picker ColorPicker_HueOpt_ttp=Hue ColorPicker_HueTxt_ttp=Hue (0-360°) ColorPicker_SatOpt_ttp=Saturation ColorPicker_SatTxt_ttp=Saturation (0-100%) ColorPicker_LumOpt_ttp=Brightness ColorPicker_LumTxt_ttp=Brightness (0-100%) ColorPicker_RedOpt_ttp=Red ColorPicker_RedTxt_ttp=Red value ColorPicker_GreenOpt_ttp=Green ColorPicker_GreenTxt_ttp=Green value ColorPicker_BlueOpt_ttp=Blue ColorPicker_BlueTxt_ttp=Blue value ColorPicker_HexColor_ttp=Hex Color ColorPicker_HueOver_Msg=The Hue value must be within 0 and 360. The value 360 is going to be used.||Value is too big ColorPicker_HueUnder_Msg=The Hue value must be within 0 and 360. The value 0 is going to be used.||Value is too small ColorPicker_SatOver_Msg=The Saturation value must be within 0 and 100. The value 100 is going to be used.||Value is too big ColorPicker_SatUnder_Msg=The Saturation value must be within 0 and 100. The value 0 is going to be used.||Value is too small ColorPicker_LumOver_Msg=The Luminance value must be within 0 and 100. The value 0 is going to be used.||Value is too big ColorPicker_LumUnder_Msg=The Luminance value must be within 0 and 100. The value 100 is going to be used.||Value is too small DBManager_title=Advanced Database Selection DBManager_header_Txt= You may inform below 7 Sticky Notes' database location, or create a new database. Please select one of the options: DBManager_selectopt_Txt=Select an Existing Database: DBManager_selectframe_Txt=Inform current database location: DBManager_selectbut_ttp=Select database location DBManager_createopt_Txt=Create a New Database: DBManager_createframe_Txt=Inform database destination folder: DBManager_createbut_ttp=Select database location DBManager_OkbutSelect_Txt=Use selected file DBManager_OkbutCreate_Txt=Create database DBManager_NoDb_Msg=The 7 Sticky Notes database file notes.mdb is not present at the specified folder. Please try again.||File not found DBManager_InvalidDB_Msg=The selected file is not the 7 Sticky Notes database file notes.mdb. Please try again.||Incorrect File DBManager_AlreadyExists_Msg=A file called notes.mdb already exists at the selected folder. For safety, no existing files will be replaced. Please select another folder, or remove the file manually.||File already exist DBManager_FileNotFound_Msg=The file could not be found. Please check the folder again.||File not found DBManager_FolderNotFound_Msg=The folder could not be found. Please check the folder again.||Folder not found DBManager_CreateConfirm_Msg=Are you sure you want to create the database file notes.mdb inside the selected folder?||Create confirmation DBManager_CreateError_Msg=Error: could not create database. The process failed.||Error DBManager_TableError_Msg=Error: could not create database tables. The process failed.||Error DBManager_ErrorCreate_Msg=The file notes.mdb already exists at the destination folder. A new database could not be created.||Error Main_SendToBackMn=Send this note to back Main_OnTopMn=(but is always on top) Main_RollUpMn=Roll Up Main_RollDownMn=Roll Down Main_AutoSizeMn=Auto size this note Main_DuplicateMn=Duplicate Note Main_DeleteMn=Delete Main_ArrangeMn=Arrange Main_SortMn=Sort Notes (last used) Main_SortAscMn=Ascending Main_SortDescMn=Descending Main_SortByTitleMn=By Title Main_SortByOrderMn=By Order Main_SortByCreationMn=By Creation Date Main_SortOnLeftMn=On Left Main_SortOnTopMn=On Top Main_SortOnRightMn=On Right Main_SortOnBottomMn=On Bottom Main_ArrangeRollMn=Roll All Notes Up Main_ArrangeMonitorsMn=Notes From all Monitors Main_ArrangeUndoMn=Undo Main_AboutMn=About 7 Sticky Notes Main_HelpMn=Help Topics Main_NewMn=New Note Main_ShowMn=Show Notes Main_HideMn=Hide Notes Main_NotesDesktopMn=Notes Desktop Main_ShowSubMn=Show Desktop Main_AllDesktopsMn=All Desktops Main_NotesManagerMn=Notes Manager... Main_OptionsMn=Options... Main_ExitMn=Exit Main_Assistace_Msg=Possible assistance detected: \n\n7 Sticky Notes noticed you don't have the tray icon visible, don't have the program showed at the taskbar, and the default initialization desktop does not have any note (is empty). \n\nThis message appeared because if for any reason you forgot 7 Sticky Notes shortcut keys then will not be able to access 7 Sticky Notes' menu. \n\nWould you like to open the options window to see what is the 7 Sticky Notes shortcut keys combination or to re-enable the tray icon?||Assistance Message Main_AlreadyOpen_Msg=7 Sticky Notes is already open!||Warning Main_InitError_Msg=A critical error occurred during the initialization. 7 Sticky Notes might not function correctly.||Error Main_HelpConfirmation_Msg=The program will now open 7 Sticky Notes' online help. Click Ok to continue.||Online Help Main_HideNotesBlock_Msg="Warning: \n\nThe keyboard shortcut keys are not enabled and 7 Sticky Notes' Tray Icon is not been showed. In this condition hiding the notes would lock the program and for this reason this function is disabled. \n\nPlease enable one of the options by accessing 7 Sticky Notes' options menu to allow the notes to be hidden again.||Disabled function Main_NewNote_Msg=You can only create one note new at a time, please finish that one first and try again. The new note is at the desktop||New note warning Main_WakeUpOOS_Msg=A new note just woke up but is out of the visible area of your screen! Would you like to bring it to the center?||Out of screen attention Main_NewNote_Tray=There is already an existing new note! \nYou can only create one note at a time. \nFinish that one first and try again!||Warning Main_WakeUpSwitch_Tray=A note just woke up in a non-visible \ndesktop, so 7 Sticky Notes automatically \nswitched to the Desktop||Auto desktop view switch: Main_AlarmSwitch_Tray=A note just alarmed up in a non-visible desktop, so 7 Sticky \nNotes automatically switched \nto the "All Desktops".||Auto desktop view switch: Main_SoundNotFound_Tray=The sound list is empty. Cannot get file path.||Alarm/Wakeup Error: file not found Main_DatabaseUnreachable_Tray=7 Sticky Notes could not access\nthe database at the configured location.\nPlease check the database file is reachable.||Sync error: database unreachable Main_ExportNoteName=NoteName Main_ExportEmbedded=Copy of Embeded Attachments Main_ExportLink=Copy of Linked Attachments Main_ExportAllAttachments=Copy of All Attachments Main_NewNoteSuggest_Tray=It seems like you don't have any notes,\nclick here if you want to create your first note!||Create a note now! Note_Menu_DeleteAttachment=Delete attachment file Note_Menu_RemoveLink=Remove attachment link Note_DuplicatedFile_Msg=There is an attached file at this note with the same name as the one you are dropping! Its details are below. Would you like to continue anyway? (for safety nothing will be overwritten if you continue):||Duplicated File Note_DuplicatedFolder_Msg=There is an attached folder at this note with the same name as the one you are dropping! Its details are below. Would you like to continue anyway? (for safety nothing will be overwritten if you continue):||Duplicated Folder Note_ConfirmAttachDelete_Msg=Attention: this attachment is embedded at the note and all files and folders of it will be removed if the attachment is deleted! You will not be able to undo this operation. Are you sure you want to proceed?||Delete Confirmation Note_SaveAll_Msg=Are you sure you want to save all visible editing notes?||Save all confirmation Note_Delete_Msg=Are you sure you want to remove this note permanently?||Permanent removal confirmation Note_DeleteAttached_Msg=This note has attached files that will be permanently deleted! Are you sure you want to remove this note permanently?||Permanent removal confirmation Note_Recycle_Msg=Are you sure you want to move this note to the Recycle Bin?||Recycle confirmation Note_Delete_Tray=The note was successfully deleted.|Note permanently removed! Note_Recycle_Tray=Please access the Recycle Bin if you want to restore\nthis note or if you want to remove it permanently.||Note successfully removed! Config_Title=Note Configuration Window Config_TabFonts_Txt=Fonts Config_TabStyle_Txt=Style Config_TabAlarms_Txt=Alarms Config_TabManage_Txt=Manage Config_FrameNoteFont_Txt=Selection Font Config_FrameTitleFont_Txt=Title font configurations Config_FontsList_ttp=Select font Config_FontColorApply_ttp=Apply font color Config_FontColorSelect_ttp=Choose font color Config_FontSize_ttp=Text selection font size Config_FontUp_ttp=Increase font size Config_Font_Down_ttp=Decrease font size Config_Bullets_ttp=Insert/Remove bullets Config_IndentLeft_ttp=Decrease indentation Config_IndentRight_ttp=Increase indentation Config_IndentSelect_ttp=Advanced Indentation Settings Config_Bold_ttp=Bold Config_Italic_ttp=Italic Config_Underline_ttp=Underline Config_Striked_ttp=Strike Config_AlignLeft_ttp=Align Left Config_AlignCenter_ttp=Align Center Config_AlignRight_ttp=Align Right Config_FrameRecycle_Txt=Recycle Config_RecycleBut_ttp=Send note to Recycle Bin Config_FrameDelete_Txt=Delete Config_DeleteBut_ttp=Delete note permanently Config_Desktop_Txt=Note's Desktop Config_DesktopsList_ttp=Change note's Desktop Config_FrameTransp_Txt=Transparency Config_FrameTheme_Txt=Note Theme Config_ThemesList_ttp=Change color theme Config_FrameOthers_Txt=Others Config_ShowTitle_Txt=Show Title Config_ShowTitle_ttp=Display the title of the note Config_AlwaysOnTop_Txt=Always on Top Config_AlwaysOnTop_ttp=Note always on top of other windows Config_FrameAlarms_Txt=Alarm and Sleep Setup Config_CheckSleep_ttp=Enable Sleep Config_SleepConfigBut_ttp=Setup sleep configuration parameters Config_Trigger_ttp=Click to trigger alarm once note wakes up Config_CheckAlarm_ttp=Enable Alarm Config_AlarmConfigBut_ttp=Setup alarm configuration parameters Config_OkBut_ttp=Save changes and close Config_CancelBut_ttp=Cancel all changes and close Config_DueCounter_Txt=Due in Config_DueMsg_Txt=Date Due Config_EmptyDesktop_Msg=The desktop for this note cannot be empty! Please select a desktop and try again.||Warning Config_ChangeDesktop_Msg=Are you sure you want to send this note to the selected desktop?||Change Desktop Config_SleepDue_Msg=The sleep cannot be enabled because the wake up time is already due.||Time due Config_AlarmDue_Msg=The alarm cannot be enabled because the configured alarm time is already due.||Time due Config_IncorrectTrigger_Msg=The trigger cannot be set because the alarm time is before the sleep time.||Incorrect time Config_EmptyDesktop_Tray=The desktop cannot be empty!\nPlease select a desktop and try again.||Incorrect Desktop Config_MovedDesktop_Tray=The note has been send to desktop||Note has been moved: NotesManager_Title=Notes Manager NotesManager_DesktopsNode=Notes Desktops NotesManager_RecycleBinNode=Recycle Bin NotesManager_TitleHeader_Txt=Note Title: NotesManager_CreationHeader_Txt=Creation Date: NotesManager_RemovalHeader_Txt=Recycle Date: NotesManager_WakeUpHeader_Txt=Wake up time: NotesManager_LastModifiedHeader_Txt=Last Modified: NotesManager_ContentHeader_Txt=Note Content: NotesManager_TextColumn_Txt=Note Text NotesManager_TitleColumn_Txt=Title NotesManager_CreationColumn_Txt=Creation Date NotesManager_RecycleColumn_Txt=Recycle Date NotesManager_LastModificationColumn_Txt=Last Modification NotesManager_StatusBarRecycleBin=Recycle Bin: NotesManager_StatusBarSleeping=sleeping NotesManager_StatusBarDays=days NotesManager_StatusBarDesktops=Desktops NotesManager_StatusBarTotalNotes=total notes NotesManager_StatusBarNotes=notes NotesManager_StatusBarTitle=Title: NotesManager_StatusBarCreationDate=Creation Date: NotesManager_StatusBarSize=Size: NotesManager_StatusBarApproximate=(approx.) NotesManager_Menu_File=File NotesManager_Menu_NewNote=New Note NotesManager_Menu_ImportNote=Import Note NotesManager_Menu_ImportDesktop=To its Desktop... NotesManager_Menu_ImportDesktopSel=To the selected Desktop... NotesManager_Menu_Refresh=Refresh NotesManager_Menu_Close=Close NotesManager_Menu_Edit=Edit NotesManager_Menu_ExpandAll=Expand All NotesManager_Menu_CollapseAll=Collapse All NotesManager_Menu_SelectAll=Select All NotesManager_Menu_InvertSelection=Invert Selection NotesManager_Menu_Options=Options... NotesManager_Menu_Note=Note NotesManager_Menu_Export=Export note to file... NotesManager_Menu_Duplicate=Duplicate NotesManager_Menu_MoveTo=Move to NotesManager_Menu_ShowNote=Show Note NotesManager_Menu_CenterNote=Center Note NotesManager_Menu_EditNote=Edit Note NotesManager_Menu_Recycle=Recycle note NotesManager_Menu_Delete=Delete Permanently NotesManager_Menu_Wakeup=Wakeup NotesManager_Menu_Restore=Restore NotesManager_Menu_View=View NotesManager_Menu_LargeIcons=Large Icons NotesManager_Menu_SmallIcons=Small Icons NotesManager_Menu_List=List NotesManager_Menu_Details=Details NotesManager_Menu_Statistics=Statistics NotesManager_Menu_StatisticsShow=Show NotesManager_Menu_StatisticsReport=Generate Report NotesManager_Menu_RecycleFolderDel=Delete Selected Folder NotesManager_Menu_RecycleEmpty=Empty Recycle Bin NotesManager_Menu_DesktopAdd=New Desktop... NotesManager_Menu_DesktopDelete=Delete Desktop NotesManager_Menu_DesktopRename=Rename Desktop... NotesManager_Menu_ShowDesktop=Show Desktop NotesManager_Menu_DesktopNotSwitcher=Hide at Desktop Switcher NotesManager_Menu_DefaultDesktop=Initialization Desktop NotesManager_Menu_ExpandSubItems=Expand all sub-items NotesManager_Menu_CollapseSubItems=Collapse all sub-items NotesManager_Toolbar_Import_ttp=Import note NotesManager_Toolbar_NewNote_ttp=Creates a new note at the selected Desktop NotesManager_Toolbar_Refresh_ttp=Refresh the Notes Manager NotesManager_Toolbar_Export_ttp=Export selected note NotesManager_Toolbar_Duplicate_ttp=Duplicate selected note NotesManager_Toolbar_Move_ttp=Move selected note to another desktop NotesManager_Toolbar_Show_ttp=Show selected note NotesManager_Toolbar_Center_ttp=Center selected note NotesManager_Toolbar_Edit_ttp=Edit selected note NotesManager_Toolbar_Recycle_ttp=Recycle selected note NotesManager_Toolbar_Delete_ttp=Delete selected note permanently NotesManager_Toolbar_Wakeup_ttp=Wakeup selected note NotesManager_Toolbar_Restore_ttp=Restore selected note NotesManager_Toolbar_View_ttp=Change note's list view mode NotesManager_Toolbar_Stats_ttp=Show 7 Sticky Notes statistics NotesManager_Stats_Header=7 Sticky Notes Usage Statistics: NotesManager_Stats_DesktopNbr=Desktops: NotesManager_Stats_TotalNotes=Total Notes: NotesManager_Stats_SleepingNotes=Sleeping Notes: NotesManager_Stats_EditingNotes=Editing Notes: NotesManager_Stats_RecycledNotes=Recycled Notes: NotesManager_Stats_From=From: NotesManager_Stats_To=To: NotesManager_Stats_GraphType=Graph: NotesManager_Stats_GraphType_1=Life Times NotesManager_Stats_GraphType_2=Total Number NotesManager_Stats_Grouping=Group by: NotesManager_Stats_Grouping_1=Day NotesManager_Stats_Grouping_2=Week NotesManager_Stats_Grouping_3=Month NotesManager_Stats_DesktopsSel=Desktops: NotesManager_Stats_GraphTitle1=Notes Life Times (hours) NotesManager_Stats_GraphTitle2=Total number of notes NotesManager_Stats_NoData=No data to display NotesManager_Stats_CalculateBt_ttp=Calculate Statistics NotesManager_Stats_ClearGraph_ttp=Clear graph NotesManager_Stats_ResetStats_ttp=Resets all statistics NotesManager_EmptyNote=(empty) NotesManager_StatsClearConfirm_Msg=Are you sure you want to clear all statistics? All statistical data will be deleted and you will not be able to roll back this operation!||Clear confirmation NotesManager_StatsClearSuccess_Msg=All statistical data cleared successfully.||Success NotesManager_DeleteSuccess_Tray=Note(s) deleted successfully!||Success NotesManager_EditLock_Msg=The selected note is being edited! Please finish editing it and try again.||Editing note NotesManager_MoveSuccess_Tray=The note was successfully moved!||Success NotesManager_SleepingWrn_Msg=The selected note is sleeping! Would you like to continue anyway?||Warning NotesManager_EditingWrn_Msg=The selected note is under editing! If you continue, any unsaved changes will be lost. Would you like to continue anyway?||Warning NotesManager_DuplicateSuccess_Tray=Note successfully duplicated!||Success NotesManager_ExportSuccess_Tray=Export successful!||Success NotesManager_ImpExpError_Msg=An error was found while handling the zipped note file, or the notes parameters file is missing. Please try again.||Error NotesManager_ImportIncorrect_Msg=The selected file does not contain all notes parameters. Please select another file.||Error NotesManager_ImportSuccess_Tray=Note successfully imported!||Success NotesManager_ConfirmRestore_Msg=Are you sure you want to restore this note? It will be restored to the desktop||Restore Confirmation NotesManager_RestoreSwitch_Msg=Note successfully restored! As the destination desktop was not visible, 7 Sticky Notes automatically switched desktops.||Success NotesManager_RestoreCurrent_Msg=Note Successfully restored! 7 Sticky Notes successfully restored the note to your current desktop.||Success NotesManager_RestoreOOS_Msg=The note you just restored is out of the visible area of your screen! Would you like to bring it to the center?||Out of screen attention NotesManager_ConfirmWakeUp_Msg=Are you sure you want to wake this note up?||Wake up confirmation NotesManager_WakeupOOS_Msg=The note you woke up is out of the visible area of your screen! Would you like to bring it to the center?||Out of screen attention NotesManager_WakeupSwitch_Msg=Note successfully woken up! As the note's desktop was not visible, 7 Sticky Notes automatically switched desktops.||Success NotesManager_WakeupCurrent_Msg=Note successfully woken up!||Success NotesManager_ConfirmDelAll_Msg=Attention! All selected notes will be permanently deleted! Are you sure about this?||Removal confirmation NotesManager_ConfirmDelAllAttached_Msg=Attention! All selected notes as well as all of its attachments will be permanently deleted! Are you sure about this?||Removal confirmation NotesManager_ConfirmRecycleAll_Msg=Are you sure you want to move the selected notes to the recycle bin?||Recycle confirmation NotesManager_EmptyRecycle_Msg=Attention! All recycled notes will be permanently deleted! Are you sure you want to empty the recycle bin?||Empty Recycle Bin NotesManager_SameDesktop_Msg=The destination and source desktops are the same!||Warning NotesManager_RestoreSwitch_Tray=As the destination desktop was not visible,\n7 Sticky Notes automatically switched desktops.||Note Successfully restored! NotesManager_RestoreCurrent_Tray=7 Sticky Notes successfully restored\nthe note to your current desktop.||Note Successfully restored! NotesManager_WakeupSwitch_Tray=As the note's desktop was not visible,\n7 Sticky Notes automatically switched desktops.||Note Successfully woken up! NotesManager_WakeupCurrent_Tray=The note is now up!||Note Successfully woken up! Options_Title=7 Sticky Notes Options Options_MenuGeneral=General Options_MenuVisualEfects=Visual Effects Options_MenuThemes=Themes Options_MenuDefaults=Defaults Options_MenuSleepAlarm=Sleep/Alarm Options_MenuSync=Sync Options_MenuLanguages=Languages Options_MenuAbout=About Options_HeaderGeneral=General Settings Options_HeaderVisualEfects=Visual Effects Options Options_HeaderThemes=Themes Options_HeaderDefaults=New Note Defaults Options_HeaderSleepAlarm=Sleep and Alarm Options Options_HeaderSync=Database and Synchronization Options_HeaderLanguages=Languages Management Options_HeaderAbout=About 7 Sticky Notes! Options_HelpIcon_ttp=View this page's Help Options_PageDefaultsBut_Txt=Page Defaults Options_PageDefaultsBut_ttp=Fills this page with the default values Options_CloseBut_Txt=Close Options_CloseBut_ttp=Close this window without saving changes Options_ApplyBut_Txt=Apply Options_ApplyBut_ttp=Save all modifications Options_FrameInteraction=User Interaction Options_AutoSizeSaveChk=Automatically size notes to fit the text size upon saving Options_DektopClickHide=Hide notes when the Windows Desktop is clicked Options_URLDetectionChk=Enable URL links detection on notes' text body Options_KeyboardShortcutsChk=Use keyboard shortcut keys: Options_NewNoteShortcut=Create New Note: Options_ShowHideShortcut=Show/Hide Notes: Options_NotesDesktopShortcut=Notes Desktop: Options_SwitchShortcus=Switch Desktops: Options_SwitchShortcus_ttp=Key pressed to cycle the Desktops backward Options_FrameStartup=Startup Options_UpdateCheckChk=Check for updates at program startup Options_UpdateCheckBut=check! Options_ShowNotesChk=Show Notes when 7 Sticky Notes starts Options_FrameSystem=System Options_RunStartupChk=Start 7 Sticky Notes when Windows starts Options_TrayIconChk=Show Icon in System Tray area Options_ShowHideTrayChk=Enable Show/Hide when Tray Icon is Clicked Options_ShowDesktopLockChk=Do not let Windows' "Show Desktop" hide the notes Options_PinToTaskChk=Show 7 Sticky Notes on Taskbar (allows Windows' 7 pin to task) Options_CloseShowHideChk=Use Windows 7 "close" button to switch hide/show all notes Options_FrameStyles=Visual Styles Options_EnableDropShadows=Show drop shadows Options_ShadowSize=Size: Options_ShadowStrength=Strength: Options_EnableTransparency=Enable transparency effects Options_MovingTransparency=Make notes transparent when moving Options_OpaqueLabel=opaque Options_EnableFadeIn=Fade in notes Options_FadeInTime=Fade In Time: Options_EnableFadeOut=Fade out notes Options_BringToFrontOnFocus=Bring all other notes to front when a note is selected Options_IconPreview=Show preview for attachments when available Options_FadeOutTime=Fade Out Time: Options_FrameDesktopSwitcher=Desktop Switcher Options_EnableAutoSwitch=Enable auto desktop selection after: Options_EnableActiveSwitching=Enable active desktop switching after: Options_DesktopSwitcherFadeTime=Fade in/Fade out Time: Options_SlideDirection=Slide in/Slide out Direction: Options_SlideHorizontal=Horizontal Options_SlideVertical=Vertical Options_PixelsLabel=pixels Options_CenterPosition=Center position (pixels): Options_CenterButton_ttp=Center the Desktop Switcher on the screen Options_SwitcherFontFamily=Font: Options_SwitcherFontUnderline=Underline Options_SwitcherFontBold=Bold Options_SwitcherFontStriked=Striked Options_SwitcherFontItalic=Italic Options_SwitcherFontSize=Size: Options_SwitcherFontColor=Color: Options_SwitcherFontColor_ttp=Click to select the Desktop Switcher font color Options_FrameThemesSetup=Themes Setup Options_ThemeHeaderName=Theme Options_ThemesTree_ttp=List of 7 Sticky Notes color themes Options_AddThemeBut_ttp=New theme Options_DeleteThemeBut_ttp=Remove selected theme Options_EditThemeBut_ttp=Edit selected theme name Options_AddNoteBut_ttp=Add note button Options_NoteExampleTitle=Note Title Options_RemoveNoteBut_ttp=Remove note button Options_NoteExampleText=Theme note text \n1. First \n2. Second \n3. Third Options_ButtonsColorBut_ttp=Note control buttons' color (white or black) Options_TitleColorBut_ttp=Title color Options_UpperColorBut_ttp=Upper background color Options_BorderColorBut_ttp=Border color Options_LowerColorBut_ttp=Lower background color Options_ThemeResetBut_ttp=Restore theme's previous values Options_ThemeDefaultBut_ttp=Set as default theme Options_FrameThemesOptions=Themes Options Options_ShowBorderChk=Show border line on the notes Options_ShuffleThemeChk=Shuffle theme choice when creating a new note Options_AutoFontColorChk=Auto change new note text colors to assure best contrast Options_AutoFontColorChk_ttp=Auto choose new note title and body font colors according to theme's colors Options_ThemeSelect=(select a theme at the list) Options_FrameNewNoteTitle=Title Font Options_FrameNewNoteText=Body Font Options_NewNoteFontFamily=Family: Options_NewNoteFontAlign=Align: Options_NewNoteFontAlignL=left-aligned Options_NewNoteFontAlignC=center-aligned Options_NewNoteFontAlignR=right-aligned Options_NewNoteFontSize=Size: Options_NewNoteFontColor=Color: Options_NewNoteFrameStyle=Style Options_NewNoteBold=Bold Options_NewNoteUnderline=Underline Options_NewNoteItalic=Italic Options_NewNoteStriked=Striked Options_FrameTitleDefaults=Title Defaults Options_TitleText=Title Text: Options_AllowedFormats=(?) allowed title formats Options_NewNoteShowTitle=Show title on new notes Options_FrameOtherDefaults=Other Defaults Options_AlwaysOnTop=Note On Top Options_AlwaysOnTop_ttp=Make note by default on top of other windows Options_IndentStep=Indent Step: Options_DefaultTransparency=Transparency: Options_RemoveAllDesktopsChk=Do not include the "All Desktops" item at the Desktop Switcher list Options_FrameSoundOptions=Sound Options Options_AlarmRepeatChk=Repeat alarm sound playback Options_WakeupRepeatChk=Repeat wakeup sound playback Options_EnableWakeupShakeChk=Enable "WakeUp Shake" by Default Options_FrameSoundList=Sounds List Options_SoundAddBut_ttp=Add new sound to the sounds list Options_SoundDelBut_ttp=Remove sound from sounds list Options_SoundNameEditBut_ttp=Edit selected sound name Options_SoundPathEditBut_ttp=Edit selected sound path Options_SoundUpBut_ttp=Move Sound Up Options_SoundDownBut_ttp=Move Sound Down Options_DefaultAlarmBut_ttp=Set sound file as the default alarm sound Options_DefaultSleepBut_ttp=Set sound file as the default wake up sound Options_PlayBut_ttp=Play selected file Options_SoundsDisabledLb=Warning: The sound library was not found. All sounds are disabled. Options_SoundListColumn1=Default Options_SoundListColumn2=Name Options_SoundListColumn3=Path Options_FrameDatabase=Database Location Options_DBPath=Path: Options_DBFolder_ttp=Select database folder Options_DBLabelFolder=Invalid folder: The specified folder does not exit. Options_DBLabelFile=Invalid folder: Database file notes.mdb not found at the folder. Options_DBLabelFOk=Ok: Database file notes.mdb is present at the folder. Options_FrameDBAdmin=Database Administration Options_EnableActiveSyncChk=Enable Active Synchronization Options_ActiveSyncHelp=(Help) Options_ActiveSyncHelp_ttp=Click to open 7 Sticky Notes' Active Sync help page Options_SyncBut_ttp=Click to manually synchronize the database Options_CompactLimit=Database automatic compacting size limit: Options_CompactBut_ttp=Click to compact the database now Options_FrameBackupRestore=Backup and Restore Options_EnableAutoBackupChk=Enable Automatic Database Backup Options_BackupFolder=Folder: Options_BackupFolderBut_ttp=Select backup folder Options_AttachFrame=Attachments Folder Options_AttachFolder_ttp=Select attachments folder Options_AttachBlock_Msg=It is not possible to change both the attachments folder and the database file at the same time. Please restore one of them and try again.||Folder warning Options_AttachStart_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now automatically move all the attached files to the new attachments folder. This operation may take some time depending on the amount and size of files. Are you sure you want to continue?||New attachments folder Options_AttachDuplicated_Msg=One or more holding folder for the attachments already exists at the new attachments folder. For safety, 7 Sticky Notes will not replace any file. Please select another folder and try again.||Duplicated Attachments Options_AttachNotWritable_Msg=The new attachment folder is not writable. Please try again.||Not writable Options_AttachFilesInUse_Msg=7 Sticky Notes detected that some of the attached files are in use. Please ensure they are not open or in use by other programs and try again. No chages were performed.||Files in use Options_AttachFilesFailed_Msg=One or more of the moved attached files did not pass the disk size test. For safety reasons, the program will reverse all changes and the attachments folder will not change.||Erro Options_MaxBackupsNumber=Maximum number of stored backup files inside the folder: Options_BackupSetupLbl=Backup: Options_BackupRepeat_OnStartup=On Startup Options_BackupRepeat_BeforeExit=Before Exit Options_BackupRepeat_Daily=Daily Options_BackupRepeat_Weekly=Weekly Options_BackupRepeat_Monthly=Monthly Options_BackupRepeat_Every=Every Options_BackupRepeat_AtHour=at Options_BackupRepeat_AtDay=at Options_BackupRepeat_After=after Options_BackupSeconds=seconds Options_BackupMinutes=minutes Options_BackupHours=hours Options_BackupDays=days Options_BackupWeeks=weeks Options_BackupMonths=months Options_BackupMonday=Mon Options_BackupTuesday=Tue Options_BackupWednesday=Wed Options_BackupThursday=Thu Options_BackupFriday=Fri Options_BackupSaturday=Sat Options_BackupSunday=Sun Options_BackupDatabaseNow=Backup database > Options_BackupDatabaseNowBut_ttp=Backup the database now Options_RestoreDatabaseNow=Restore from database > Options_RestoreDatabaseNowBut_ttp=Restore from an existing database Options_FrameSelLanguage=7 Sticky Notes Language Options_TranslateBut_ttp=Translate 7 Sticky Notes to the selected language Options_FrameLanguagesList=Loaded Translations Options_ImportLanguageBut_ttp=Click to import a new language file Options_DownloadLanguageBut_ttp=Click to download language files from 7 Sticky Notes' website Options_RemoveLanguageBut_ttp=Click to remove the selected language Options_CheckLanguageBut_ttp=Verify the format of the selected language Options_RefreshLanguagesListBut_ttp=Refresh the loaded languages list Options_FormatErrorsLbl=Note: items in red have formatting errors and need to be checked. Options_LangList_LangID=Language ID Options_LangList_LangName=Language Options_LangList_Version=Version Options_LangList_Author=Author Options_LangList_FileName=File Name Options_CharacterNotAllowed_Msg=The character "|" is not allowed. Please try again.||Invalid character Options_MaximumSoundName_Msg=The maximum length of the sound name is 100 characters. Please try again.||Warning Options_DuplicatedSound_Msg=The entered name is already being used by another sound. Please try again.||Duplicated name Options_DuplicatedSoundFile_Msg=The selected file is already being by another sound. Would you like to continue anyway?||Duplicated file Options_BackupSuccess_Tray=Database successfully backed up!||Success Options_ItemClick_Msg=Please click at one item from the list!||Select an item Options_FileNotFound_Msg=The file was not found!||Error Options_LanguageCheckIncorrect_Msg=The selected file did not pass the formatting verifications. Would you like to see its analisys report?||Incorrect formatting Options_LanguageCheckOk_Msg=Verification complete! No errors were found and the file has been automatically optimized successfully.||Success Options_NewVersion_Msg=A new 7 Sticky Notes version is available! Would you like to download it from 7 Sticky notes' website?||New version available Options_CurrentVersion_Msg=Congratulations! You have the latest version of 7 Sticky Notes!||Latest version Options_InvalidTitleFontSize_Msg=The selected title font size is not valid. The size must be within 1 and 999. Please correct it and try again.||Invalid font size Options_InvalidNoteFontSize_Msg=The selected note font size is not valid. The size must be within 1 and 999. Please correct it and try again.||Invalid font size Options_NoShortcutKeys_Msg=Error: one or more keyboard shortcut functions has all three keys set to "none". Please select a key at least for one of them and try again.||Invalid shortcut combinatio Options_BackupFolderExist_Msg=The automatic backup folder does not exist! Please select it again or disable the auto backup.||Folder does not exist Options_BackupMinimumLimit_Msg=The auto backup minimum number of files is 1. Please correct it or disable the auto backup.||Invalid value Options_BackupWeeklyRepeat_Msg=Please select at least one day of the week for the auto backup!||Undefined value Options_EndOfMonthBackupDay_Msg=Note that not all months in the year have the day you picked. For these months, 7 Sticky Notes will use the last day. Would you like to continue anyway?||Warning Options_InvalidDistance_Msg=The movement distance of Desktop Switcher is invalid. Please enter a number bigger than 0 and try again.||Invalid value Options_ShadowSizeWrn_Msg=Invalid note shadow size. The size must be within 1 and 16 pixels. Please correct it and try again.||Invalid shadow size Options_ShadowStrengthWrn_Msg=Invalid note shadow strength. The value must be within 1% and 100%. Please correct it and try again.||Invalid value Options_NoNoteTheme_Msg=Please create at least 1 note theme.||No theme Options_InvalidDBFolder_Msg=The selected database location is invalid. Please correct it and try again.||Invalid folder Options_KeyShortcutAssistance_Msg=Both the keyboard shortcut keys and the 7 Sticky Notes Tray Icon cannot be disabled at the same time since in this condition hiding the notes would lock the program. Please enable one of the options and try again.||Assistance warning Options_LanguageNotApplied_Msg=In order to apply the selected language you need to click the "Translate" button on the languages page. Would you like to continue without applying the language?||Warning Options_DelAutoSwitch_Msg=The current showed desktop was deleted so the program switched automatically to the "Show All Desktops" view.||Automatically switch Options_AutoSyncHide_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now re-sync with the database at the new folder. All notes will be hidden in order to make the synchronization.||Sync start Options_AutoSync_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now re-sync with the database at the new folder.||Sync start Options_ApplyRestart_Msg=The changes for the following option(s) will only take effect once you restart 7 Sticky Notes:||Restart Options_CompactSync_Msg=Please save the new database location before trying to compact the database.||Warning Options_CompactExistingFile_Msg=The temporary database files already exist and cannot be overwritten. Please try again.||File name conflict Options_CompactStartHide_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now compact the database. All notes will be hidden in order to proceed. Are you sure you want to continue?||Compact confirmation Options_CompactStart_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now compact the database. Are you sure you want to continue?||Compact confirmation Options_CompactLockedFile_Msg=Cannot compact the database. It was detected that the database file is locked and in use by another process. Please close any other 7 Sticky Notes instance and any other program using the current database file and press the 'Retry' button.||Cannot compact Options_CancelledCompacting_Msg=The compacting process was canceled. No changes were made.||Cancelled Options_CompactingAborted_Msg=7 Sticky Notes safety data preserve routine compared both the old and the compacted database and a difference in the database information (data) was detected. For safety and data preserve reasons, the process was aborted and will now exit. The compacting was not completed and no data has been changed.||Compacting aborted Options_CompactCompleted_Msg=Completed! The database was successfully compacted from the initial to the final sizes as follows:||Success Options_DesktopInvalidChar_Msg=The characters <,>,' and "," are not allowed. Please correct it and try again.||Invalid character Options_DesktopInvalidLength_Msg=The desktop name cannot have more than 100 characters. Please correct it and try again.||Invalid length Options_DesktopDuplicated_Msg=A Desktop with the entered name already exists. Please enter a different name and try again.||Duplicated name Options_DesktopUsing_Msg=This Desktop is being used and cannot be removed.||Cannot remove Options_DesktopUsingNewNote_Msg=This Desktop is in use by a new note and cannot be removed.||Unable to remove Options_DesktopNewName_Msg=Please enter the name for the new Desktop:||Create new desktop Options_LangDownloadPage_Msg=Would you like to open 7 Sticky Notes' languages download page?||Download language Options_LangAlreadyLoaded_Msg=The selected language is already loaded in 7 Sticky Notes! The current translation will be overwritten if you continue, would you like to continue anyway?||Overwrite warning Options_LangInfoNotFound_Msg=Language information not found, please select another file.||Error Options_DisabledSound_Msg=The required sound library was not found. All sounds are disabled.||Disabled sounds Options_LangRemove_Msg=Are you sure you want to remove the selected language? This operation cannot be rolled back!||Removal confirmation Options_LangNotFound_Msg=The file was not found!||Error Options_SoundUsing_Msg=This sound is being used! Would you like to continue anyway?||Removal confirmation Options_ResetConfirmation_Msg=Are you sure you want to reset all fields on this page to the default ones?||Confirmation Options_RestoreSave_Msg=Please save the new database location before trying to restore the database.||Warning Options_RestoreBackup_Msg=WARNING: \n\nMake sure you made a backup of the current database! The new selected database will overwrite the current database during the restore process and all notes inside it will be lost. You will not be able to roll back the restore action. \n\nAre you aware of the risk of this operation and want to continue the restore using the selected database?||Important warning Options_RestoreCurrent_Msg=The file you selected is already the current database. Please try again.||Warning Options_RestoreStartHide_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now replace the database. All notes will be closed in order to re-define the database.||Restore start Options_RestoreStart_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now replace the database.||Restore start Options_RestoreLockedFile_Msg=Cannot proceed with database restore process: \n\nIt was detected that the database file is locked and in use by another process. Please close any other 7 Sticky Notes instance and any other program using the current database file and press the 'Retry' button.||Unable to restore Options_RestoreCancelled_Msg=The restore process was canceled. No changes have been made.||Cancelled Options_ManualSyncSave_Msg=Please save the new database location before trying to perform the synchronization.||Warning Options_ManualSyncConfirmation_Msg=Are you sure you want to force a manual synchronization?||Manual sync Options_ManualSyncStartHide_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now re-sync with the database. All notes will be hidden in order to make the synchronization.||Sync start Options_ManualSyncStart_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now re-sync with the database.||Sync start Options_ManualSyncSuccess_Msg=Synchronization successfully completed!||Success Options_MaximumThemeName_Msg=Sorry but the theme name cannot have more than 100 characters. Please correct it and try again.||Warning Options_ThemeExist_Msg=A theme with this name already exists! Please enter a different name and try again.||Duplicated name Options_ThemeRemovalUsing_Msg=This theme is being used by one or more notes! Would you like to continue anyway?||Using theme Options_LangTranslateSuccess_Msg=Translation loaded successfully! Please restart 7 Sticky Notes for the changes to be applied.||Success! Options_SaveUnload_Msg=Are you sure you want to leave without saving?||Discart changes Options_OnlineHelpOpen_Msg=The program will now open 7 Sticky Notes' online help. Click Ok to continue.||Open help Options_AudioPlayError_Msg=The especified sound file does not exist! Please try again.||Invalid file Options_AudioAllowedFormat_Msg=Only .wav, .mp3 and .mid sound file formats are allowed. Please select another file.||Invalid format Options_DelAutoSwitch_tray=The current showed desktop was deleted\nso the program switched automatically\nto the "Show All Desktops" view.||Information: Options_NowMn=Now Timers_TitleAlarm=Alarm Setup Timers_TitleSleep=Sleep Setup Timers_NowMn=Now Timers_SleepForChk=For Timers_SleepUntilChk=Until Timers_AlarmInChk=In Timers_AlarmAtChk=At Timers_HourOfDay=of Timers_PastDatesLbl=Past dates are not allowed. Timers_WakeUpShakeChk=Shake me when I wake up Timers_WakeUpSoundLbl=Wakeup sound: Timers_AlarmSoundLbl=Alarm sound: Timers_SoundNone=(none) Timers_RepeatEnableChk=Repeat: Timers_RepeatListDaily=Daily Timers_RepeatListWeekly=Weekly Timers_RepeatListMonthly=Monthly Timers_RepeatListYearly=Yearly Timers_RepeatListEvery=Every Timers_RepeatMonday=Mon Timers_RepeatTuesday=Tue Timers_RepeatWednesday=Wed Timers_RepeatThursday=Thu Timers_RepeatFriday=Fri Timers_RepeatSaturday=Sat Timers_RepeatSunday=Sun Timers_AtHourLbl=At Timers_AtDayLbl=Day Timers_AtMonthLbl=Month Timers_AtEveryLbl=Every Timers_MonthsListJan=January Timers_MonthsListFeb=February Timers_MonthsListMar=March Timers_MonthsListApr=April Timers_MonthsListMay=May Timers_MonthsListJun=June Timers_MonthsListJul=July Timers_MonthsListAug=August Timers_MonthsListSep=September Timers_MonthsListOct=October Timers_MonthsListNov=November Timers_MonthsListDec=December Timers_EverySeconds=seconds Timers_EveryMinutes=minutes Timers_EveryHour=hours Timers_EveryDays=days Timers_EveryWeeks=weeks Timers_EveryMonths=months Timers_SetBut_Lbl=Set Timers_CancelBut_Lbl=Cancel Timers_DateInThePast_Msg=The selected date is in the past! Please correct it and try again.||Invalid date Timers_WeeklyRepeat_Msg=Please select at least one week day for the weekly repeated alarm!||Day not defined Timers_EndOfMonthDay_Msg=Note that not all months in the year have the day you picked. For these months, 7 Sticky Notes will use the last day. Would you like to continue anyway?||Warning Timers_DisabledSound_Msg=Warning: The necessary sounds library is not present at your system. All sounds are disabled.||Disabled sounds General_MissingVBRunTime_Msg=7 Sticky Notes was not able to find on this computer some of the necessary visual basic run-time files to run the program. Would you like to launch the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 SP6 run-time install package now?||Missing run-time General_VBRunTimeNotFound_Msg=The Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 SP6 run-time installation package vbrun60sp6.exe could not be found. 7 Sticky Notes will now exit.||Run-time package not found General_RunTimeRun_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now try to launch the run-time package and then exit. Once the run-time installation completes, please run 7 Sticky Notes again.||Warning General_InstallVBRunTime_Msg=Please install the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 SP6 run-time files in order to run 7 Sticky Notes.||Missing run-time files General_RegisteringList_Msg=7 Sticky Notes did not find some required Windows dll(s)/ocx(s) file(s) registered in your system. The list of file(s) is: \n\n %input% \nThese file are included inside the dlls folder of 7 Sticky Notes' folder and you can choose to have them registered automatically now. Whould you like to register these dlls now?||Missing files General_RegisteringStart_Msg=7 Sticky Notes will now try to register the necessary dlls.||Register start General_RegisterDenied_Msg=Error: permission denied. \n\nThe following file(s) could be registered because you do not have enough privileges: \n %input% \n\nThese files must be registered in order to 7 Sticky Notes to run. Please register the file(s) as the system administrator, and then run 7 Sticky Notes again.||Error General_RegisteringSuccess_Msg=The registering process is complete.||Success General_RegisterManually_Msg=Please register the required dlls manually in order to run 7 Sticky Notes.||Warning General_CommonError_Msg=We've run into an error! \n\nI would be much appreciated if you could e-mail me the error details, automatically saved to the 7 Sticky Notes errors log file, "errors.log" to so I can get it fixed as soon as possible. \n\nThank you very much, \nFabio Martin - 7 Sticky Notes \n\nError code||Error code General_CreateDBError_Msg=Error: could not create database. 7 Sticky Notes will now exit.||Error General_CreateTableError_Msg=Error: could not create database tables. 7 Sticky Notes will now exit||Error General_AutoUpdateCheck_Msg=7 Sticky Notes can automatically check for new versions when it starts. This will make sure you always have the most current version of the program. Would you like to enable updates? (recommended)||Automatic update check General_DBNotFoundStartup_Msg=Warning: the database file was not found in the specified location. Please inform the correct location of the database file at the next window in order to run 7 Sticky Notes.||Database not found General_AppDataNotFound_Msg=Error: The application data folder does not exist.||Error General_AppDataNotOS_Msg=Error: The application data folder is not valid on this OS.||Error General_ShowLotOfNotes_Msg=You are about to show a large amount of notes (over 60), which might slow down you computer. Would you like to continue anyway?||Warning General_OutOfScreen_Msg=One or more notes are out of the visible area of your screen. Would you like to bring them to the center? (their order will be preserved)||Out of screen attention General_ENMShowNotes_Msg=Error no match - ShowNotes.||Error General_ErrorConnection_Msg=7 Sticky Notes was not able to connect to the server. Please check your connection to the internet.||Error General_NewVersion_Msg=A new 7 Sticky Notes version is available! Would you like to download it from 7 Sticky notes' website?||New version General_DBNotFound_Msg=Warning: the database file was not found in the specified location. Please ensure the following path is accessible and try again:||Warning General_DBNotFoundAbort_Msg=Aborting will make the program to terminate. All unsaved data will be lost. Are you sure you want to abort?||Abort confirmation General_AutoBackupFail_Msg=The automatic on exit backup failed! This could be caused if:\n\n(1) The backup folder does not exist;\n(2) The backup file already exist in the backup folder;\n(3) The database file does not exist;\n(4) The database folder does not exist. \n\nPlease check the file/folder in order to allow the automatic database backup.||Backup failed General_ErrorConnection_Tray=7 Sticky Notes was not able to connect to\nthe server. Please check your connection to the internet.||Update check error General_NewVersion_Tray=7 Sticky Notes %input% version is out!\nClick here to download the new version\nfrom 7 Sticky Notes' website!||New version available General_DBUnreachable_Tray=7 Sticky Notes could not access\nthe database at the configured location.\nPlease check the database file is reachable.||Error: database unreachable General_CompactFailedExist_Tray=The temporary database files already \nexist with the created file names.||Could not compact database: General_CompactFailedLocked_Tray=The database file is locked\nand in use by another process.||Could not compact database: General_CompactFailedDataPreserve_Tray=The new compacted database data is different\nfrom the original database. The process was aborted.||Could not compact database: General_CompactSuccess_Tray=The database was successfully compacted from\nthe initial size to the final size of:||Automatic database compact General_AutoBackupSuccess_Tray=notes database\nautomatic backup was successfully executed!||7 Sticky Notes Automatic Backup General_AutoFormatTranslation_Msg=Warning: the language file had to be optimized because it was not correctly formatted, and 7 Sticky Notes detected empty translations. Some texts will not be showed correctly. It is recommended that you re-download the language file.||Translation errors General_DN_Desktop=Default General_DN_Title=Quick Start Note: General_DN_HeaderIntro=Welcome to 7 Sticky Notes!! General_DN_HeaderDescr=I hope you enjoy using this software! 7 Sticky Notes is a great app built to help everyone out there. I have much fun building it and truly hope you have fun using it too. If you have any questions, requests or suggestions, please e-mail me at: or visit . General_DN_HeaderHelp=Also, if you need any help using this program, please check the online help at any time. But anyways !.. here goes a quick start help: General_DN_EditNote=Q: How can I edit/modify the note?||A: Simply middle or double click it!! General_DN_MoveNote=Q: How can I move a note?||A: Just click and grab anywere on the note. General_DN_SizeNote=Q: How can I size the notes?||A: Click-and-grab on any edge and check it out! General_DN_DeleteNote=Q: How can delete a note?||A: By simply clicking the "x" icon, showed when hovering the title of the note! General_DN_ShowHideNotes=Q: How can I show/hide the notes?||A: One click at the tray icon to show all notes, and another to hides all notes, as simple as that! General_DN_Shortcuts=Q: Are there any keyboard shortcuts?||A: Yes!! The Default SHORTCUT Keys are: General_DN_KeyNewNote=1. Win + Z to create a new note General_DN_KeyShowHide=2. Win + X to toggle all notes visible/not visible General_DN_KeyNotesDesktop=3. Win + C to show the "Notes Desktop" General_DN_KeyDesktopSwitcher=4. Win + V (or Win + SHIFT + V) to show the exclusive "7 Sticky Notes Desktop Switcher"..! General_DN_TrayIconMenu=Finally, right clicking the icon placed in the tray area show the program menu with all functions. That's it! General_DN_ThankWords=Thank you so much for downloading! General_DN_Signature=Fabio Martin - 7 Sticky Notes Developer General_DS_Yellow=Yellow General_DS_Green=Green General_DS_Pink=Pink General_DS_White=White General_DS_Purple=Purple General_DS_Blue=Blue General_DS_Red=Red Setup_FinishedHeadingLabel=7 Sticky Notes was Successfully Installed! Setup_ConfirmUninstall=Are you sure you want to uninstall 7 Sticky Notes? Setup_UninstalledAll=7 Sticky Notes was successfully removed from your computer! %n%nIf you want to remove your personal data too, please %nremove it manually from Window's AppData folder. Setup_FinishedLabelNoIcons=Setup has finished installing 7 Sticky Notes! %n%nIf you would like to run it right now, please launch it directly or using any of the installed icons! Setup_FinishedLabel=Setup has finished installing 7 Sticky Notes! %n%nIf you would like to run it right now, please launch it directly or using any of the installed icons! Setup_ClickFinish=To exit Setup, click on the Finish button below. Setup_WelcomeLabel1=Welcome to the 7 Sticky Notes%nSetup Wizard! Setup_WelcomeLabel2=This will install [name/ver] on your computer! %n%nIf you need any help for this setup, please visit 7 Sticky Notes' online help at Setup_ClickNext=So, just click the Next button below to continue, or%non Cancel to exit Setup. Setup_VersionSelTitle=7 Sticky Notes version selection Setup_VersionSelHeader=How are you going to use 7 Sticky Notes? Setup_VersionSelDescr=Please select below which 7 Sticky Notes version you would like to install: Setup_VersionSelNormal=Normal (install and run 7 Sticky Notes on your computerīs drive) Setup_VersionSelPortable=Portable (install and run 7 Sticky Notes from a removable drive) Setup_RemoveNoAdmin=You are running the uninstall package without Admin privileges. The removal might not be completed successfully. Are you sure you want to proceed anyway? Setup_RemoveCancel=Uninstall cancelled. Setup_RemoveStillRunning=7 Sticky Notes is still running. Please close 7 Sticky Notes and try again. Setup_InstallAdminRights=To install 7 Sticky Notes in normal mode you must have adminstrator privileges. Please run the setup again as administrator or install the portable version instead. Setup_InstallNoAdmin=Not enough privileges (admin) to install in normal mode. Please run this setup as admin or install the portable version of 7 Sticky Notes instead. Setup_InstallCancelledAdmin=The install was cancelled. Setup_InstallRunning=Setup has detected 7 Sticky Notes is running. Please close 7 Sticky Notes and try again. Setup_InstallCancelledRunning=Cannot install while program is running. Close 7 Sticky Notes and try again. Setup_TopBoldLabel=File in use Setup_TopSubLabelRemove=7 Sticky Notes must be closed before it can be removed. Setup_TopSubLabelInstall=7 Sticky Notes must be closed before it can be upgraded. Setup_MoreInfoLabel=Setup has detected that 7 Sticky Notes is currently running in your computer. Please exit 7 Sticky Notes and click Retry to continue, or right click it below if you want to force it to close. Setup_CancelButton=&Cancel Setup_IgnoreButton=&Ignore Setup_RetryButton=&Retry